Center for Academic Studies of Doctoral Students between Asia and Europe. We support institutions in developing and managing effective student recruitment networks globally by creating dual programs in educational sector.Център за академични изследвания на докторанти между Азия и Европа. Ние подкрепяме институциите при разработването и управлението на ефективни мрежи за набиране на студенти в световен мащаб, като създаваме двойни програми в образователния сектор aim is to bring together students and academics from different countries, investors willing to develop and get involve in improving education. We have great experience at creating and finishing training contracts, CPD contracts, joint degree agreements, dual degree agreements, franchise degree agreements, the development of joint faculties, the development of branch campus projects, dual diploma validation and diploma validation process, consultancy appointments with governments and local institutions. We support the development of strong and resilient education systems in Bulgaria so that more local and international students, especially people from low income countries, will have an access to the education they need and to contribute to building a more prosperous and sustainable world.
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