EssaJustice, released 19 June 2020You know what’s absurd I write for a living and I’m lost for wordsLost my faithhaven’t quite lost my nerve But I might lose my mind At what’s occurredThere’s barely any black men who haven’t been Stopped and searchedThrough suspicion they do not deserveMany get mocked and cursed Cuffed and boundtossed to curbs ruffed aroundoften worse We send space ships up off the Earth But can’t send down crooked Cops to serve And protect black lives tell me what they’re worth?I said serve and protect did you clock the words?Cause it feels like they’ve not been heard Yeah they serve AND protect but who and what? observe Another black life lost four officers Only low charged at first is that not perverse?Halfway across the earthhere in Britain it’sSame shit Differenttoilet with a lid on itYou’re mad for thinking it’sAn Isolated tragic incidentA few bad apples bitten in Due Diligence proves That’s just ignorantWhen you check the stats on Black ImprisonmentDeaths in custody with a lack of convictions you’ll Soon see that a pattern is visible I remember when I first studied lawSaw The Stephen Lawrence case and how his murderers walkedInstitutional racism I hadn’t heard it beforeThat’s what the macpherson report observed in the force Years later have we learned from it all?Progress feels slow like we’re learning to crawl Smiley Culture, Mark Duggan, and so many more deceased - Those that did it still walking free -So many been through so much more then me And I’ve felt fear every time I saw police So many black men Apprehended Forcibly No wonder why when an officer Walks the street it’s called a beat -I know it’s not all policeBut it’s enough to know that if you call policeThen it might not go well at all for meAmy Cooper knew that she was as sure as can beWe were appalled to see her white privilegeUsed as a sword in sheath it’s quite sinister That’s a force I feel like I’m living withPulling me in different ways in antithesis Between Black and beige we find differencesMy questions is, what ways Do I benefit?From the Caucasian strain in My heritage?In a world built by white supremacists?I know some people don’t like my typeAnd some will say I can’t fight this fight [no right to gripe]When my wife is white, and my life is nice If you sense my resentment and spite you’re rightSee the trick that was played?In the wickedest wayThey’ve got us hating each other over different shades Pulling brothers apart, pushing Sisters awayAnd they did it this way with that deliberate aim ‘cause we’re stronger together like the twist of a braid they’ve given us the clippers just to trim it awayBut I woke feeling different todayAnd I hope Floyd’s sacrifice isn’t in vain A Civil rights fight in the Digital ageWhere the Instagram fam and the Twitter brigadeCan see a life slipping away on Video tape But some won’t let go of ignorant ways Kaepernick took a knee some were more upsetThan when that pig put a knee onto George’s neck “No justice, no peace” that’s not some sort of threatIt’s an equation, cause effectWhen law enforcers are causing deathsAnd not facing the law I guess We’ve got lawless-ness? Now that’s Anarchy, before the stores were wreckedThe law’s bereft that’s something we should all protest And no I’m not some subversive militant -Or worse, a simpleton Virtue signalling This isn’t ... My struggle to be woke - And join a revolution from the comfort of my home -I’m not chasing hype I got nothing to promoteIt’s just something that I wrote cause I’m struggling to copeAnd plus because I knowthat my sons are gonna growAnd one day they’ll wonder if I spoke -Or choked We’re underneath a yokeWe wanna cling to hope Then we’ve gotta grip the rope The Politicians don’tour politics is broke A monolithic boat You wonder if it floats?What a flipping joke It’s obvious it won’t No wonder people don’tFeel like bothering to vote Smoke, gets in your eyes, my heart bleedsEvery time I hear I can’t breathe Justice for George FloydREST IN PEACEBrionna TaylorREST IN PEACEAhmaud Arbery REST IN PEACEBLACK LIVES MATTERYes indeed
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