When you become a FreshFix member you will receive a weekly box of fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables delivered to your door. It's easy to manage your delivery schedule online and skip any week you want. You pay week-to-week and are only charged for the food you receive. Do nothing and you will receive your favorite box of produce automatically or spend a few minutes each week to choose from the different box options or swap out an item you don't want. FreshFix offers different box...
Keywords: Local, CSA, food delivery, FreshFix, farms, organic, grass-fed, produce, Buffalo, Farmers Market, Healthy
Category: Food & Drink
City: Buffalo
State: New York
Country: USA (US)
Platform: Delivery Biz Pro
Technologies used: Authorize.net, Cloudfront CDN, Facebook Pixel, Google Ads Pixel, Google Adsense, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager
Signup for Free. No Credit Card required.Suitable for marketing agencies, app developers and new business ideas.
No credit card required.