Shop information for - My Lead Fox

Excellence Starts Here! Fall enrollment begins on August 11, 2022  Enrollments will be taken online or you can call 405-273-7493 ext. 4002 Don't wait! Classes fill up quickly!!! We have a new campus in Seminole and many new classes are scheduled for both campus *Be sure to check the location when you enroll We also offer hundreds of online classes - Online classes are found at in the drop-down box under Ed2Go Online Classes.  To view all our classes, select View Courses, then click on a category to view a list of classes Click on the class title for a description and more information about the course When you are ready to enroll, click Sign In to create a new student profile, or log in as a returning student You may enroll online with a Visa/MC, or you can call us to enroll over the phone For questions call 405-273-7493 (ext) 4002     * For Windows 8 users, please be aware there are two versions of Internet Explorer on your device – Metro and Desktop. To use our registration site, you must use the Desktop version of Internet Explorer, and not the Metro version. To start the Desktop version, click on or touch the Desktop tile on the Start screen. Then you will see the Internet Explorer icon in the task bar. This is the Desktop version which should be used for registration. If you are in Internet Explorer and the URL address is at the bottom of the screen, you are in the Metro version and will be prompted to open the site in the Desktop version. Click Open and the site will be automatically be re-opened in the desktop version.

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