Shop information for Gravitsapa - My Lead Fox


GravitsapaGravitsapa is a Ukrainian band formed in 2005. The band recorded two mini-albums: Radio Free Albemuth in 2009, which was released in 2013 by HYSM? label under the name Free Radio Taxipod, and Vulgata also released by labels HYSM? and Skrot Up in 2013.Listeners and critics praised Gravitsapa as the pioneers of the Ukrainian math-rock stage perfoming among the most brightful experimental sounds.DEMO-2, released 14 May 20161. Tonik2. Hovorytskyi Yur3. 12-304. Millipedes Reservation5. Gentile lunatic6. ryb7. Laughter As Defence Reaction8. 10div3=89. cra10. Ending. Punctuation. Question Mark11. eu12. Singalong"In my opinion ”Demo-2” stands out for many reasons. Well, it sounds totally inspired. In my opinion it is an album that experimentation flows throughout these songs. ”Demo-2” and its dark punk songs, well without being really punk, may not seem to you so attractive in the beginning. You must let this album grow on you. Rest assure it is a journey worth taking. And each time you’ ll be listening to it you’ ll have the pleasure of discovering many exciting new things. Things like a lot of jazzy parts that were totally unexpected but again totally welcome."Tzertzelos" Це цілковито новий рівень музичного сприйняття, на якому звичні канони зникають, відкриваючи нескінчений простір для експериментів. Занурення ще ніколи не було настільки глибоким, масштабним та відчуженим від всього того, що робиться навкруги.Альбомом DEMO​-​2 Gravitsapa задає абсолютно нові стандарти та ставить рекорди, які ще довго ніхто не зможе побити. "Trembeat "Musicalement c'est une demo instrumentale qui est totalement implacable grace a son aspect hors du commun.Quelques rythmes indus, des sons a l'envers, une guitare discrète et des samples tous plus bizarres les uns que les autres et , le pire c'est que ca prend totalement.J'ai plongé dedans corps et âme, c'est vraiment l'underground a la Lydia Lunch,Richard Kerr et autres esprits déjantés pour qui la musique est une expression pas forcement en ligne droite.Gravitsapa est un peu comme si Godflesh n'avait que gardé ses rythmes lourd, entêtants ..On touche plutôt a l’ambiant malsain qu'a la musique métal, mais parfois ,il faut savoir sortir des sentiers battus et explorer le real underground qui arrive de l'Est.Franchement ,je me suis régalé a l'écoute de cette demo 2 ,qui mélange habillement les samples a l'envers, et les multiples sonorités qui parcourent les morceaux.C'est cool ,oppressant,glauque est envoûtant,sans être répétitif.Le minimalisme musical c'est exactement ça.Parfois ca s’emboîte mal, mais ca reste toujours dans cette veine underground qu'on ne trouve que dans les boites sado -maso extreme ou sur les bande son des snuffs movies.En un mot ,j'adore!"Nonoisenogood"Demo2 è davvero un prodotto originale, insolito fatto di sonorità trasgressive e introverse, dove si vanno ad infrangere le regole più basilari della musica.Le sonorità ruvide, vengono alleggerite e lucidate da synth e suoni campionati che conferiscono più stranezza al lavoro.Bravi questi Gravitsapa che riescono a rendere piacevole anche le stranezze più estreme."Sounds Good Webzinepójdziesz spać, będziesz myślał o "DEMO-2", będziesz jadł będziesz się zastanawiał czym "DEMO-2" jest. Bo nie jest żartem, to nie są Stańczykowskie podrygi, ani też patetyczne nawoływanie kapłana, to rozpierdol rozpierdolu, wydelikacone brudy, postawione na podstawce w galerii sztuk wszelakich, niezwyczajność i cudaczność,Kultura Staroci...this work is unique also because it shows up from two different angles. In one hand, even an average lower population representativemay catch himself thinking that he's been taking a refuge in thoughts like these for many years, and there isn't anything new brought by the author into his inner world. In another hand, this idea is so revolutionary, that the courage of the author, who bravely carried outthis burden of truth from subconscious level into this material world, is glorified. And each of us can realise the danger of this ideaand its explosive strength.It's time for the old ideas to give up. Nothing can stop the new time, even some restraint of the author, who would never make a greatidea from this thought, and a great work from this idea, and would not share it with all the planet population, if there were other circumstances and other epochs. The old gods give way to the new ones. Like Titans, not able to resist the olimpic gods' pressure.The new world components were at the same time the ways of destroying the old reality.Foreword by Dr. Oleksandra Olexandrivna Merezhko





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