SEARCH OUR WIDE SELECTION OF IN-STOCK INVENTORYTypes Select TypesCar HaulerDumpEnclosedEquipment/Skid SteerHorseLandscape/UtilityMotorcycleSnowmobileCondition Select ConditionNewHitchSelect HitchBumper PullGooseNeckAxles AxlesSingleSinglesTandemBrands Select BrandsBelmontCargo ProFrontierNitroNorthforceSnow ProStealthValleyWells CargoLength Select Length12ft and Under13ft to 18ft19ft to 24ft25ft to 32ft33ft to 36ftWidth Select Width8.5ft7ft6ft6.66ft8.55ft6.5ft8ft7.5ft Trailer Sales, Parts, Service, Accessories & More Serving MA, CT, NY & Greater New England Why buy from Middleboro Trailer World? Simply put... We're trailer people. We manufacture trailers, we know trailers, we have trailers in our DNA. We have been involved with trailers for over 60 years. We have earned a great reputation in selling only the best quality trailers. We are a family business. We started this business to enable you and everyone else to enjoy buying a new trailer without stressing over the safety of a used trailer or the ridiculous prices of most new trailers. All our trailers are made in the USA. Our margins are modest and there's no pressure from a salesperson. Call us and you'll get straight answers. It's our family's commitment to yours. Our yard displays about 100 trailers featuring seven different brand names. We can take care of all your towing needs. For Work or Play we'll hook you right up! Have any questions? Call (781)
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