ENG follows!◆当店は、動物福祉団体Pawer. ( http://www.pawer.jp )のチャリティーグッズショップです。Pawer.は、行き場を失う犬や猫を減らし動物にも人にも優しい社会を作るため、殺処分の現状や私たちにできる取り組みについて幅い広い層への犬猫福祉教育・啓蒙活動に努めます。【Pawer.の主な取り組み】・犬猫福祉講義開催(幼稚園児〜大学生、社会人対象)・イベントでの啓発トーク、スピーチ・保護猫の譲渡会開催◆チャリティーグッズをご購入いただきますと、利益の全額がPawer.に寄付されます。頂いたご寄付は、教育プログラムや啓蒙活動、TNR支援に役立てます。※タイトルに「TNR支援」と書かれた商品の利益は全額、地域の個人活動家が行う野良猫の不妊去勢手術やワクチン接種代などの医療費として使わせていただきます。※個人活動家は、当会へのTNR支援申請と医療費の領収書を提出された方に限ります。ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーThis is a charity shop run by an animal welfare organisation called "Pawer.". *All proceeds from the sales will be donated to Pawer. and will be used for good for the animals such as medical fees for spay/neuter, vaccines or other medical fees, etc.ABOUT:Pawer. was funded in 2016 to decrease the amount of mass destruction of abandoned/stray dogs and cats in Japan by raising the awareness through education. WHAT WE DO:- hold classes and workshops at kindergartens to universities, young adults and dog/cat owners- give speech and talks about welfare at events - hold events such as a photo exhibition of rescued animals at a temple in Kyoto called Ichinenji- visit and do a research at the local shelters and organisations in and out of Japan (then spread the information about them)- attend International Companion Animal Welfare Conference(ICAWC) every yearWe believe that the knowledge is power.Through our work, we hope to spread the words of our paw friends to as many people as possible to change the society and its future in Japan.
Keywords: Pawer.チャリティーショップ BASE EC store ネットショップ コマース 作成
Country: Japan (JP)
Currency : JPY
Platform: BASE
Technologies used: Criteo, Facebook Pixel, Google Ads Pixel, Google Adsense, Google Analytics, Google Optimize, Google Tag Manager, New Relic, TikTok Pixel
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