Shop information for PORT JUVEE - My Lead Fox


PORT JUVEEAlthough PORT JUVEE embody a sound that is equally indebted to New York City post-punk as it is to a listless Californian vibe, the Canadian prairies are where the band calls home. Their upcoming release "Motion Control" will arrive in 2020 on Canadian upstart Garment District Records, with NYC-based producer Justin Gerrish (Vampire Weekend "Contra" and "Modern Vampires of the City") at the helm.MOTION CONTROL, released 28 February 20201. Hope to Lose2. Desert Moon Palace3. Tropics4. Into the Jaws5. MOTION CONTROL6. Drugstore7. Bedroom8. Late to SeeReleased Feb 28, 2020 on Garment District Records


Category: Arts & Entertainment

City: Calgary

State: Alberta

Country: Canada (CA)

Currency : CAD

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Platform: Bandcamp

Technologies used: Fastly CDN

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