Shop information for Radio Fiskars - My Lead Fox

Radio Fiskars

Radio FiskarsOlli Kari: Sounds from Art of Howard Smith by Olli Kari, released 12 February 20131. Metalmorphosis2. Winterly Blues3. Papercuts4. Echoes of the clayMusic Inspired by Howard Smith's SculpturesMusic composed and performed by Olli KariThe idea of the recording started during Radiofiskars's development discussions, when the producer ofthe project Suvi Heino suggested composing music to Howard Smith's metal sculptures on his yard. Havingacquainted with the sculptures I got an idea to use them gently as percussion instruments and record thesesounds.The first visit gave birth to "Metalmorphosis", in which the eight metal birds of the yard have aconversation with a sculpture by Erkki Kannosto. Three other pieces followed, each with a special soundlandscape of its own: clay (Echos of Clay), in which the melodic texture is realised with Howard and Erna'sbrilliant clay plates, vases and pots; paper (Papercuts), in which sounds of tearing, wrinkling and crushingpaper make a drum set style rhythm combo. On Howard Smith and Erna Aaltonen's veranda (WinteryBlues) we can hear sounds from well over ten different mostly metal sculptures, accompanied by banjo,guitar and marimba.As soon as the project had started it proceeded almost of itself at the management of a superb team andculminated in an independently released CD containing four pieces.The most musical material from the exhibition soundtrack has been condensed into the CD produced byRadiofiskars.The record Music Inspired by Howard Smith's Sculptures builds on Howard Smith and his art at which hewelcomed the village of Fiskars's musicians.Participants in the making of the record are Suvi Heino, Jarno Kandahar, Lassi Kari, Otto Kari, Arttu Launis,Rasmus Pailos, Kalevi Reinikainen, Jarno Rouvinen, Pekko Sams, Jan Söderblom and Sami Wirkkala.Thanks to all who participated in the making of the record and also to the exhibition team. Warm thanksalso to my nearest and to my warm village.Olli Kari, FiskarsMusician-composerA new coming DVD that contains also new, illustrative compositions is based on Music Inspired by HowardSmith's Sculptures.





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