Sandwick Shorthorns - The farm lies in the sleepy village of Ousby in the shadows of Crossfell the highest point in the North Pennines, near Penrith. A 220 Acres upland hill farm, with the farmstead around 800 ft, rising up to approx 2000ft where the stock spends the summer.
Keywords: Andrew Ivinson, Caroline Ivinson, Sandwick Shorthorns, Sandwick, Beef Shorthorns, shorthorns, shorthorn bulls, shorthorn females, bulls, female, cattle, Ousby, Cumbria, Crossfell, Penrith, Swadale Sheep, Swaledale, swaledales, sheep, hampshire downs, Blue faced Leicester’s, bulls for sale, shorthorn females for sale,
Category: Food & Drink
City: Penrith
State: England
Country: United Kingdom (GB)
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