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Semantic Saturation

Semantic SaturationHi, my name is Shant. I write and play delicious proggy music for the prog metal project Semantic Saturation. I work with a different set of musicians on every album.Paradigms, released 17 September 20181. Mirrors of Confusion2. Carousel of Death3. Pareidolia4. Empty Whisky Jar5. The Stranger from Andromeda6. Until We Meet Again7. Ulterior Harmony8. Disturbance Within9. Universal10. Where Dreams Have DiedParadigms is an honest attempt to expand musical horizons, capturing the essence of the unique prog vibe by focusing on the genre's most important aspect: variety. Featured musicians on the album include drummer Craig Blundell (Frost*/Steven Wilson), bassist Kristoffer Gildenlöw (ex-Pain of Salvation), guests Derek Sherinian (ex-Dream Theater), Alex Argento on keyboards, and the lovely jazz vocalist Houry Dora Apartian. Project by: guitarist and founder Shant HagopianPARADIGMS is now available for pre-order in CD, Special Edition CD&DVD, Vinyl and digital formats through the brand new Semantic Saturation online store. All physical orders come with a postcard including a personal message, and signed by Shant Hagopian. The online store also hosts a selection of T-Shirts, bundles and other merchandise featuring PARADIGMS artwork. The digital album will also be available on Apple iTunes and others.PRESS QUOTES:An album that changes the essence of progressive metal. Hagopian is often compared to Joe Satriani and Steve Vai. Believe it or not, none of them convince me emotionally as Hagopian does.- Egon Klank, Laboratorium Muzycznych Fuzji (Aug 27, 2018)You can close your eyes and almost see the musicians playing their hearts out right in front of you and that honesty is palpable in every single track of the album.- Rocio F. Bedoya, Lady Obscure (Aug 24, 2018)Paradigms is chock full of excellent, inventive compositions, with a healthy range of genres infusing the album with their particular flavors.- GardensTale, Angry Metal Guy (Aug 23, 2018)Imagine if Joe Satriani joined up with Liquid Tension Experiment. If you like instrumental progressive rock/metal albums you should check this one out.- Matthew (restlessamoeba), Progressive Music Planet (Aug 12, 2018)Another chapter has been added to the Big Book of Prog with ‘Paradigms’. Semantic Saturation rightfully takes its place at the table with many other forward-thinking musicians who keep the progressive music fresh and alive.- Chris Martin, My Global Mind (Aug 11, 2018)The complete roller coaster ride that is ‘Paradigms’ is a testament to how well it can still be done today. It takes this genre back to a time when it maybe wasn’t so stale or predictable.- Austin Kokel, Sonic Perspectives (Aug 6, 2018)‘Paradigms’ is an absolute monster featuring such amazing tracks. The riffs and grooves come thick and fast almost giving you no pause to really appreciate the mind blowing musical structures and spellbinding melodies.- Martin Hutchinson, Prog Radar (Aug 1, 2018)ABOUT THE ALBUM:The laudable array of ten compositions conveys a multitudinous variety of changing moods, while inventively preserving the album's grand paradigm of musical intrigue and astounding mastery. Shant's musical ingenious is rendered crystal clear in “Mirrors of Confusion” where funky grooves and heavy riffing intertwine seamlessly, and his academic foundations in Jazz are evidently traced throughout the exciting track of “Carousel of Death”, while Craig Blundell’s insane drumming techniques and Kirstoffer’s transcendent bass lines are conspicuous throughout all ten tracks. Furthermore, Shant’s masterful and peculiar cover painting resonates radiantly with the music.PARADIGMS is Shant's second Semantic Saturation album after Solipsistic, demonstrating his ever-evolving musical writing abilities, and on this long-awaited production he says:"To me, the process of creating an album has always been like giving birth, you carry it within you for several months until it's *released*, and then you show the world what you've made. Minus all the crying and the ugly baby pictures."Drummer Craig Blundell says: "I was deeply honoured when I got the call to play all the tracks on this project which features some insanely talented people of which I'm fans of too. Every track is a real challenge but extremely rewarding when it comes together, the whole album is staggeringly good." And Kristoffer humbly said: "The basslines I recorded did not do justice for the album, so I've asked Shant quietly to hire guitarist Steve Lukather to re-record the basslines for all ten tracks."Kristoffer has since retreated to his cabin in the woods of northern Holland, after selling his entire career on ebay for as close to nothing.


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