Sunshine JonesPlay Live!Stick It To The Man!Never Fall In Line...Fall In Love!SUNSHINE JONES 100% LIVE AT LIGHTNING IN A BOTTLE, released 04 August 20221. * MIX IN2. THE SUN3. TELEPORTER4. CRY + RELEASE5. NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH LOVE6. PEOPLE7. I CAN FEEL WARM SUN ON MY FACE8. HOME9. ACID (IMPROVISATION)10. DO YOU BELIEVE?11. SEMINAR / SERMON / ENDA live recording taken from the sound board of the amazing Chino Sound as the last music played on Saturday night on the Junkyard Stage of Lightning in a Bottle Festival 2022.
Category: Arts & Entertainment
City: San Francisco
State: California
Country: United States of America (US)
Currency : USD
Platform: Bandcamp
Technologies used: Fastly CDN
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