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許大德物理治療師自2000年起於銅鑼灣恩平中心開始私人執業,許大德具備廣泛臨床經驗並專長於脊柱功能毛病。Albert Hui Physiotherapist has started up his private practice in Causeway Bay since 2000. Albert has extensive clinical experiences and his expertise includes spinal dysfunctions and occupational health.

Keywords: 許大德, 物理治療師, 物理治療, 恩平中心, 針灸, 手法治療, 頸緊膊痛, 頸源性頭痛, 落枕, 頸神經壓迫症候群, 面癱, 肩周炎, 旋轉袖肌腱炎, 肩關節手術復健, 網球肘, 腕管綜合症, 彈弓手指, 媽手, 手腕骨折復健 , 閃腰, 椎間盤突出, 腰椎手術復健, 梨狀肌症候群, 髖關節置換手術復健, 膝韌帶受傷, 膝半月板軟骨受傷, 膝關節置換手術復健, 抝柴, 腿肌拉傷, 底筋膜炎, 運動創傷, 重覆性勞損, 身體姿勢不正確, 肌肉疲弱, 中風康復, 頸背腰痛, 手足麻痺, 傷殘評估, 物理治療登門應診, Albert Hui, Physiotherapy, Fortune Centre, Acupuncture, Manual Therapy, Neck and shoulder tightness, Cervicogenic headache, Wry neck, Cervical nerve compression, Facial palsy, Frozen shoulder, Rotator cuff injury, Shoulder surgery rehabilitation, Tennis elbow, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Trigger finger, De Quervain syndrome, Wrist fracture rehabilitation, Sprain back, Prolapse intervertebral disc, Spinal surgery rehabilitation, Piriformis syndrome, Hip joint replacement, rehabilitation, Knee ligament tear, Knee meniscus tear, Knee joint replacement rehabilitation, Sprain ankle, Leg muscle tear, Plantar fasciitis, Sports injury, Repetitive strain, Postural problem, Muscle weakness, troke rehabilitation, Spinal problem, Personal injury assessment, Domiciliary physiotherapy

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