In 1721, the cargo ship La Baleine brought 88 women and girls, ages 12 to 30, from the hospital general of La Salpetrière in Paris to Louisiana, where most of them quickly found husbands among the residents of Old Biloxi, then the capitol of the French colony. Some of the girls had been orphans raised and educated at La Salpetriere . None of them had ever been referred to as prostitutes. The list of girls was approved by the Archbishop of Paris and they eventually became known as The Baleine Brides. The list of Baleine Brides had been lost for 265 years until it was discovered and published by Bruce Ardoin in 1978. More than thirty of the girls have contributed enormous families to the genealogy of Mississippi, Louisiana, or Illinois. In truth their legacies rival the importance of the MAYFLOWER which arrived in America 100 years earlier. All of the brides were volunteers. None of them were deported. Thus, Biloxi became the equivalent of a "Plymouth Rock" for the French colony of Louisiana. The arrival of the La Baleine represents the most consequential event which has ever occurred in south Mississippi. Instead of Pilgrims arriving from England to escape religious persecution, we had a group of young female volunteers, desperate to escape social and moral persecution in France, who eventually formed the genetic foundation on which Gulf Coast societies have been built.
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