In my work I combine energy, crystalhealing, art and soundfrequencies to bring you into your highest alignment so that healing can take place. I'm also organizing planetary gridwork with the magical Brandberg Crystals, to restore balance on the planet and within the human heartgrid & to give back to the waters of our planet. - spiritual, starseed, angelic, mystical, magic, magical, gridwork, christ conciousness, ascencion, ascensionproces, 5d, lemuria, atlantis, elysium, lion kingdom, avalon, albion, kathars, mary magdalene, arcturioans, sirians, elohim, melchizedeck, seraphim, lightworker, rainbow warior, priestess, priest, karma, dharma, shuman, awakening, egypt, ancient, healingwork, gridwork, spirit, ziel, soul, sterrenzaad, engelachtig, mystiek, magie, magisch, rasterwerk, christusbewustzijn, ascencion, ascensionproces, 5d, lemuria, atlantis, elysium, leeuwenrijk, avalon, albion, kathars, mary magdalene, arcturioans, seriërs, elohim, melchizedeck, lichtwerker, regenboog krijger, priesteres, priester, karma, dharma, shuman, ontwaken, egypte, oud, healingwork, gridwork,
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