Panter Nursery, featuring 253 items, including OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA SHRUB, 25 Domestic Nandina 2.5 pot Heavenly bamboo, Snowgoose Flowering Cherry Tree, White Oak Tree qt pot (Quercus alba), American Sycamore qt. pot (Platanus occidentalis), Sweetgum tree (Liquidambar styraciflua), American Beech (fagusgrandifolia) quart pot, WILD GERANIUM 10 roots (maculatum), 1 DWARF BURNING BUSH bare root (Euonymus Alatus), Chicago Lustre viburnum shrub 2.5 pot, 2 Sky Pencil Holly 2.5 pot, 10 Dwarf Nandina Firepower plants, Sargent Crabapple, SPICE BUSH Pond Berry- (Lindera melissifolia), DOUBLE ORANGE BLOOM Daylily 10 fans/root systems, CHINA GIRL HOLLY, 5 FERTILIZER PLANTING TABLETS AGRIFORM 20-10-5, White Trillium 20 bulbs, Yellow Trillium 20 bulbs (T. luteum) wildflower, CRYPTOMERIA YOSHINO Japanese Cedar qt pot, 5 Bloodroot roots perennial, 20 Bloodroot roots- (sanguinaria canadensis), Dutchman's Breeches 5 bulbs-root systems, 5 Shooting Star bulb/roots perennial, Yellow Trillium 10 bulbs (t. Luteum) wildflower, 20 Rattlesnake Orchid root system perennial, 10 Turk's Cap Lily bulbs, Lily Superbum, Snowmound Spirea quart pot, Celebration Maple qt. pot, October Glory Maple quart pot, Little QUICK FIRE Hydrangea petite shrub, Brandywine Maple qt. pot, SWEETBAY MAGNOLIA gallon pot Laurel Magnolia, Swamp Magnolia, Burkii Juniper Eastern Red Cedar quart pot, 25 Leyland Cypress trees 2.5 pot, 15 Leyland Cypress trees 2 1/2 inch pot, AKEBONO Flowering Cherry Tree, American Hornbeam tree (Carpinus caroliniana) quart pot, BALTIC IVY SUB ZERO 5 bare root plants(Hedera helix), Black Gum tree quart pot (Nyssasylvatica), Autumnalis Flowering Cherry Tree, ALLEGHANY VIBURNUM, BALD CYPRESS TREE quart pot Taxodiun distichun, GOLDEN SEAL 20 roots Hydrastis Canadensis, 2 Ginkgo Tree (maidenhair tree-ginkobiloba), Jack-In-The-Pulpit 10 bulbs (Arisaema triphyllum), Lily of the Valley 20 roots May Lily, May Bells Convallaria majalis), 10 CINNAMON FERN rhizome Osmundastrum cinnamomeum, 5 CINNAMON FERN rhizome/root Osmundastrum cinnamomeum, 20 CINNAMON FERN rhizome/root Osmundastrum cinnamomeum, Christmas Fern 10 rhizome/root (Polystichum acrostichoides), Christmas Fern 20 rhizomes (Polystichum Acrostichoides), Dawn Redwood quart pot (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), Dwarf Burford Holly, Jack-In-The-Pulpit 20 bulbs (Arisaema triphyllum), GOLDEN SEAL 10 roots Hydrastis Canadensis, Forsythia Lynwood Gold-Golden Bells (Forsythia xintermedia 'lynwood') 4 pot, Japanese Snowball (Viburnum) Bush, Juddi Viburnum, 2 Kwanzan Flowering Cherry trees 2.5 pots, 20 LADY FERNS rhizomes (Athyriun Filix-Femina), 10 LADY FERNS rhizomes Athyriun Filix-Femina , 5 MAIDENHAIR SPLEENWORT fern rhizome Asplenium platyneuron, Pin Oak Tree-(quercus palustris), 2 Okame Flowering Cherry trees, 10 Red Trillium bulbs Wood Lily , Canada Red Choke Cherry tree 2.5 pot, 10 Maidenhair SPLEENWORT fern rhizome Asplenium platyneuron, 20 Maidenhair SPLEENWORT fern rhizomes-(asplenium platyneuron), 2 Nikko Blue Hydrangea plants, River Birch multi-stem clump tree qt. pot betulanigra, Nellie R. Stevens, 2 Snowgoose Flowering Cherry tree plants, Sky Pencil Holly quart pot, 5 TN OSTRICH/GLADE FERN rhizome Matteuccia struthiopteris, 10 TN OSTRICH GLADE fern rhizome Matteuccia struthiopteris, 20 TN OSTRICH GLADE fern rhizome Matteuccia struthiopteris, Tulip Tree ( liriodendrontulipifera), WHITE WEIGELA (Weigela florida white), WILD DAFFODIL 100 bulbs LENT LILY, BUTTERCUP, White Trillium 10 bulbs, 2 Yoshino Flowering Cherry trees 2.5 pot, 10 Hay Scented Fern clumps Dennstaedtia punctilobula, Pink Weigela 4 pot, 20 CELANDINE yellow POPPY bulb (Stylophorum eiphyllym, Lily of the Valley 5 roots May Lily, May Bells (Convallaria majalis), Gulf Stream Nandina qt pot (Nandina domestica 'gulf stream') shrub, Virginia Bluebell wild flower 10 root- shade lover (Mertensia), Nikko Blue Hydrangea, Tennessee Ostrich-Glade fern 5 rhizome bare root, Mini Gold Mound Spirea quart pot, WILD GERANIUM 5 roots, Christmas Fern 5 rhizomes/root (Polystichum acrostichoides), Red Trillium,Wood Lily 5 bulbs (Trillium erectum), Manhattan Euonymus, Virginia Bluebell flower 20 root- Shade Lover (Mertensia), Ruby Red Weigela (Weigela rubrun), Kousa Japanese Dogwood (Cornus kousa), Nellie R. Stevens Holly Tree-3 pack, Willow Oak qt pot (quercus phellos), WINE & ROSES® Weigela florida 'Alexandra' PP#10772, Japanese Snowball Viburnum Bush, 5 LADY FERNS rhizomes bare root, Dwarf Burford Holly 4pot, CRYPTOMERIA YOSHINO Japanese Cedar, 10 Domestic Nandina plants 2.5 pots (Heavenly bamboo), Red Maple Tree quart pot, ALLEGHENY SPURGE 5 roots Allegheny pachysandra (Pachysandra procumbens), Wild Orange Daylily 25 fans/root systems ditch lily, 10 Nellie R. Stevens 2 1/2 pot, Wild Daffodil 50 bulbs,Lent Lily (NARCISSUS PSEUDONARCISSUS, Yellow Trillium 5 bulbs Native Wildflower, Wild Daffodil 25 bulbs Buttercup,Lent Lily (NARCISSUS PSEUDONARCISSUS), Forsythia Lynwood Gold 4pot Golden Bells Forsythia xintermedia 'lynwood), Rose Glow Barberry (Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow') shrub qt. pot, Dwarf Nandina Firepower (ornamental shrub), Little QUICK FIRE Hydrangea petite shrub qt pot, Old Fashion Snowball Viburnum 4 pot (Viburnum trilobum) Highbush Cranberry, 10 WILD DAYLILY fans/root systems, Green Giant 6-12” 2.5 pot Arborvitae Thuja plicata, 5 Crested Iris,wild iris roots,Iris cristata, GREEN MOUNTAIN BOXWOOD 1 gallon pot, Ann Magnolia gallon pot shrub/tree, FOSTER HOLLY qt. pot, LEYLAND CYPRESS TREE in 2 1/2pot-(X Cupressocyparis leylandii), Black Cohosh 20 bulb/root Bugbane, Black Snakeroot, Blackhaw Viburnum (Viburnum prunifolium), Rattlesnake Orchid 5 root system perennial, 50 Thuja Green Giant Arborvitae 50 plants-3 pot, Jane Magnolia 2 1/2 pot shrub/tree, PINK DOGWOOD Tree 6-12 in a 2.5 pot, Franklins Gem Boxwood, SUGAR MAPLE qt. pot, 25 Green Giant Arborvitae plants 2.5 pot, Oak Leaf™ Holly, 10 Crested Wild Iris roots Iris cristata, Wild Orange Daylily 50 fans/root systems ditch lily, Green Mountain Boxwood qt. pot, Sweet Shrub Calycanthus 4 pot, Sun Valley Maple 1 Gallon pot, Greenleaf American Holly gallon pot, Double Play® Candy Corn® Spirea PP28313 qt pot, Sugar Maple 1 gallon pot, 5 Turk's Cap Lily root bulbs Lilium superbum, White Fringe tree quart pot, Saucer Magnolia 1 gallon pot Soulangeana, PINKY WINKY® Hydrangea paniculata PP#16166, Japanese Dappled Nishiki Willow 4 pot shrub/tree, 5 May Apple roots- ( Podophyllum peltatum), 5 Golden Seal roots Orangeroot, yellow puccoon, Stella de Oro Daylily 25 fans/roots re-blooming yellow blooms, Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) shrub qt. pot, Kwanzan Flowering Cherry Tree 2.5 pot, Yoshino Flowering Cherry Tree, Purple Wisteria 2.5 pot, Saucer Magnolia Soulangeana 2.5 pot shrub/tree, Okame Flowering Cherry tree, Miss Kim Lilac shrub quart pot, Henry's Garnet Itea Virginica Sweetspire 4 pot, 15 Thuja Green Giant Arborvitae 2.5 pot 6-12, Star Magnolia 4 pot shrub Magnolia stellata, Dwarf Burning Bush plant 4 pot Hardy Shrub (Euonymus Alatus), LIMELIGHT Hydrangea shrub PP#12874, Crimson Diablo Ninebark Shrub 2.5 pot, Pin Oak Tree qt pot (quercus palustris), Paw Paw Indian Banana qt pot, Tulip Tree quart pot liriodendrontulipifera, 5 CELANDINE yellow POPPY bulb (Stylophorum eiphyllym, Cryptomeria Japoncia Black Dragon Japanese Cedar, LITTLE LIME® Hydrangea PP#22330 qt pot, Virginia Bluebell wild flower 5 root- shade lover (Mertensia), CRYPTOMERIA YOSHINO Japanese Cedar qt pot, White Flowering Dogwood qt pot (Cornus-florida), SWEETBAY MAGNOLIA qt. pot Laurel Magnolia, Swamp Magnolia - (Magnolia virginian, Domestic Nandina 2.5 pot Heavenly bamboo, Franklins Gem Boxwood 1 gallon pot, River Birch single stem tree qt pot (betulanigra), Sky Pencil Holly 2.5 pot, Sweetgum Tree (Liquidambar styraciflua), ORANGE DOUBLE BLOOM Daylily 3 fans/root systems, Pink Dogwood quart pot, Black Gum tree quart pot , 10 Dwarf Burning Bush bare root plants-Euonymus alatus hardy shrub, Green Giant 2-3' trade gallon Arborvitae Thuja plicata, Mr Bowling Ball, Autumn Blaze Maple quart pot, Red Maple Tree 2.5 pot, Lemony Lace® Elderberry PP26613 Sambucus racemosa , Murray Cypress 2.5 pot 6-12 tall, Sun Valley Maple qt pot, Leyland Cypres
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