Shop information for Yeguada La Troyeta - My Lead Fox

Yeguada La Troyeta

Ganadería dedicada a la cría y venta de caballos y yeguas de Pura Raza Española situada en Dénia (Alicante) y propiedad de D. Pedro Pastor Cabrera.Yeguada La Troyeta is a stud dedicated to breeding P.R.E. horses, owned by D. Pedro Pastor and it's located in Denia, Alicante (Spain).

Keywords: Caballos, Pura Raza Española, yeguas, ancce, doma clasica, pre horses, spanish horses, colt, foal, mare, dressage, pferd, stallin, spanish horses, andalusian horses, sicab, yeguada de la escalera, caballos españoles


City: Dénia

State: Valencian Community

Country: Spain (ES)

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Platform: BaseKit

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