Shop information for �時肌 Zephyrine - My Lead Fox

�時肌 Zephyrine

「初時肌 Zephyrine」精準修護專家。專為亞洲女性打造的MIT醫美級、敏感肌保養品,目標成為敏感肌保養品領導品牌。由台大化工團隊耗時七年研發,開發突破性專利「INVERS3™逆胜肽」,以最簡單的天然植萃成分,與最專業的醫美配方打造零負擔的保養品。修護女性所有肌膚問題,提供無刺激、零負擔的全方位保養,找回肌膚初生的無齡美好狀態。

Keywords: 初時肌 Zephyrine,精準修護專家,INVERS3 逆胜肽,敏感肌推薦,逆胜肽修護,#1玫瑰修護露,#3小星瓶精華液

Category: Beauty & Fitness



Country: Taiwan (TW)

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Platform: Cyberbiz

Technologies used: Facebook Pixel, Google Ads Pixel, Google Adsense, Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4, Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce, Google Tag Manager, Hotjar, YouTube Player

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