Y2LHENY2lhen (Lennie Budgell) is an 8bit/IDM/dance music producer from Saskatoon.Starting off his musical production with nothing more then a psp running LSDJ around 2004 experimenting with / producing chip tunes. These first song creations gained him a few shows around Saskatoon and first release in 2005. Since then he’s released albums with Severed Digit Recordings, POP QUIZ RECORDS and DEX&THECITYNewno Loops by Y2lhen, released 24 December 20211. FDDE2. FD843. FC844. FAB05. + F6C86. FAC57. F9938. E9A69. E33310. E21311. D8D612. D54913. D2F014. CC2D15. C83616. BF4B17. B6D818. B58419. AF4F20. AEF521. ABC122. A94B23. 999124. 968B25. 967826. 892627. 7EDF28. 7B7329. 77E630. + 74A131. + 6A4732. 6A2333. + 653634. + 564C35. ~low~ 51B536. + 4D3237. 49B438. 441139. 439040. 35E541. ~low~ 36D742. 301D43. ~loud~ 2F7C44. + 2F6845. 233646. 1EC747. 1C0C48. ~low~ + 161349. 147650. + 113551. 0FB752. ~soft~ 0E6B53. 092054. 0039An assortment of tunes / recordings of experiments and jams made using a single instance of nano loop for iOS on incremental iPhoneSE models hardware over the last several years.
Country: Canada (CA)
Currency : CAD
Platform: Bandcamp
Technologies used: Fastly CDN
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