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清昌堂やましたは、弘化四年(1847年)、京の都に創業いたしました。以来、百六十年余の 永きに渡り、新古茶道具の商いを通じて、お客様に「お茶道具の楽しさ」をお 伝えし続けております。裏千家様をはじめ、大勢の皆々様の御厚情に支えられて、こうして今日も暖簾を掲げさせて頂いておりますこと、常に社員一同心より感謝いたしております。さて、茶道の真髄は、「もてなしの心」にあり、と言われております。とはいえ、一口に「おもてなしをする」と申しましても、相手の方がどんなお茶をお求めになられるのかは、まさに千差万別でございます。弊店にご来店頂くお客様もまた、お若い方からご年配の方、伝統と格式あるお茶道具を好まれる方、気軽にお茶を楽しみたい方など、さまざまでございます。弊店では、「良きお客様に良き茶道具を」という店是を遵守し、こうした多彩なご要望に応える高い品質と豊富な品揃え、さらに、店舗の雰囲気や誠実な対応に至るまで、最上のおもてなしを持って、お客様をお迎えいたします。また、お買い上げ頂きましたのちも、茶会などの催事やご案内を通じて、お客様と末永くお付き合いを続けて参りたいと願っております。お蔭様で、「我が家は三代続いて」「数十年来の」といった、ありがたいお言葉を賜ることもございます。清昌堂やましたは、新古茶道美術品を専門に商いする老舗として、今後も皆々様から変わらぬご信頼を賜るよう、日々努力と精進を重ねて参ります。清昌堂やました 五代目店主山下 寛一郎 Seishodo Yamashita was founded in Kyoto in 1847. Since then, we have been introducing customers to the joys of tea ceremony utensils for over 160 years. It is because of the kindness and support of all of our customers as well as the Urasenke School of tea ceremony that we still hang up our storefront banner to this day, and all of us at Seishodo Yamashita are grateful for this.It is said that the true meaning behind the tea ceremony lies in showing hospitality. This is easier said than done; how does one really know what kind of tea a guest desires? The possibilities are endless. Furthermore, our customers come from all walks of life, some young, some old, some preferring tea made with the traditional tools and methods, and some simply desiring a more casual tea experience.At our store we adhere to a policy of providing our valued customers with superior products. We stock a variety of high quality goods to meet the requests and diverse tastes of our customers. Through the store’s atmosphere and sincere customer service, we strive to greet our guests with the highest level of hospitality. Furthermore, we hope that even after concluding our sales with the customers, we can enjoy a lasting relationship and continue to serve our guests.We are blessed to have received precious words of appreciation from our customers, many whom have used our services for multiple generations. As a long-established specialty shop for Japanese teaware, we at Seishodo Yamashita hope that through our daily diligence and perseverance, our customers will continue to trust in our name for many years to come.Seishodo Yamashita, 5th Generation OwnerKanichiro Yamashita

Keywords: 清昌堂やましたオンラインショップ BASE EC store ネットショップ コマース 作成




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