There are 7 active Bandcamp stores in Prague, Czech
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KITTCHEN KITTCHENMaskovaný hudebník Kittchen vystavil na internet své první album MENU v roce 2011. Druhá deska, RADIO, kterou Kittchen nahráli už jako dvoučlenná kapela, byla v r. 2013 oceněna Andělem. 2015 vychází další řadové album, KONTAKT.2018 doplnil Jakuba Königa a Tomáše Neuwertha multiinstrumentalista a producent Aid Kid. Kapela vydává 1. 5. 2021 nové album PULS. Přesně deset let po vydání debutu.PULS, released 01 May 20211. Rohlíky2. Nikam3. Strachem4. Za sebe5. Do tmy6. Sny7. Za všechny8. StromyČtvrté studiové Album Puls zachycuje Kittchen v tříčlenné sestavě. K základní dvojici Jakub König a Tomáš Neuwerth, která pracovala na předchozích deskách Radio a Kontakt společně, se na konci roku 2018 přidal elektronický producent a multiinstrumentalista Ondra Mikula aka Aid Kid. Album vychází 1. května 2021 v koprodukci labelů Červený kůň a Full Moon Forum na LP, CD a digitálně. Platform: Bandcamp Signup for Free. No Credit Card required. |
![]() | Sdružení rodičů a přátel RoPy.Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic.Since the very morning today,The dishes acted kind of funny. Platform: Bandcamp Signup for Free. No Credit Card required. |
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Genot Centre Genot Centre.Prague, Czech Republic.record label & music community from Prague Category: Arts & Entertainment > Music & Audio Platform: Bandcamp Signup for Free. No Credit Card required. |
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AutopsiA AutopsiA.Praha, Texas.Autopsia is entertaining, lavish, educational and often quite funny. Autopsia is a tombstone on the grave of time.Autopsia is archaeology. The discourse of the beginning and about the beginning.At the beginning is Death. Category: Arts & Entertainment > Music & Audio Platform: Bandcamp Signup for Free. No Credit Card required. |
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emozpěv emozpěv.Prague, Czech Republic.emozpěv je kapela, hlasitá i tichá, chladná i hřejivá. Category: Arts & Entertainment > Music & Audio Platform: Bandcamp Signup for Free. No Credit Card required. |
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Just For Being Just For BeingJust For Being is a Czech pop-punk/punk rock band that was formed in 2009. We're inspired by many bands across all scenes (The Bouncing Souls, Strike Anywhere, Kings Of Leon, Man Overboard,...), but we define our music as the attempt that combines HC with melodic punk rock/pop-punk...Call It Off, released 24 December 2019From all the falls and riseswe took a thing or two,but what should we do?We never thought this could be over, we would change a lot but you.It's not easy to speak when your words still disappear. We try it every day just as we try to breathe. Is there still something between you and me? Something I can't tell, but something I can feel.We ale wore sunglasses and sang songs (sad songs) about true love (our love), we didn't think about those days we took our glasses off. We raised our full glasses and sang songs (sad songs) about true love (our love), we didn't think about those days we call it off.The future just ain't what it used to be, but I am on my way. The future just ain't what it used to be to find out who I am. The future just ain't what it used to be, but I am on my way. The future just ain't what it used be, supposed to build the house and plant the tree. Category: Arts & Entertainment > Music & Audio > Rock Music Platform: Bandcamp Signup for Free. No Credit Card required. |
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Möbius MöbiusLoud duo playing instrumental doom/stoner/sludge music with the passion. Since MMX.Omega, released 06 May 20221. Omega2. Naveky NasratýYou will either die or be resurrected. Start the blaze that will guide your journey to eternity. Omega is used in the title as a symbol of both immortality and the entirety of human existence. The main impulse for composing is spontaneity and breaking with the conventions of the previous releases. This is one of the ways how to describe a brand-new record by this sludge duo released after a long period of silence. You can look forward to a previously unreleased song plus a cover version of Beton (dear friends of the band). It is the first time that this instrumental duo incorporated some vocals into a song. This definitely brings a new element to their music. Marie (whom you may know from her previous band LAKKA) took care of the vocal duties and enriched the song with her distinctive style of screaming. The tunes were recorded by Anders from Dödsmord studio based in Prague. Mastered by almighty James Plotkin known for his great work on many sludge albums, and also cooperating with respected artists such as Jesu, Merzbow, or Tim Hecker. The overall mood of the record is also reflected in the linocut cover artwork made by Jozef Tušan, which is screen-printed on high-quality paper by long-time friends from Uutěrky. Released in a super limited run of 55 pcs by Analog Freaks records. Category: Arts & Entertainment > Music & Audio Platform: Bandcamp Signup for Free. No Credit Card required. |
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