There are 1 active Custom Cart stores in Cattai, New South Wales, Australia
![]() | Meditation, Free Meditation Class, Meditation retreat, Vipassana Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation, relaxing Meditation, mindfulness & relaxing meditation, Sinhala School, Sinhala language School, Sinhala School in Melbourne, Sinhala school Melbourne, Sinhala language school Melbourne, Sinhala language school in Melbourne, Buddhist Melbourne, Buddhist in Melbourne, Buddhist Temple Melbourne, Buddhist Temple in Melbourne, Sri Lankan temple Melbourne, Sri Lankan temple in Melbourne, Meditation Melbourne, Meditation in Melbourne, Free Meditation Melbourne, Free Meditation class in Melbourne, Meditation Retreat in Melbourne, Meditation Retreat Melbourne, Best Meditation Retreat Melbourne, Meditation Centre Melbourne, Dhamma School Melbourne, Dhamma School in Melbourne, Mahamevnawa Buddhist Meditation Monastery is a place for everyone, regardless of background or experience, to learn and practice the ancient teachings of the Buddha. You will discover a like-minded community of people who are interested in finding happiness that is not based on endless consuming and accumulating more and more things. By learning and practicing the teachings of the Buddha, you will gain a peace and happiness that is not tied to the ups and downs of ordinary life. relaxing meditation meditate, Meditation, Buddha, Buddhist, Theravada, Mindfulness, Wisdom, Stress, Monastery, Visitors, Melbourne, Bhavana, Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan, Pagoda, Buddhist Life, Buddha Relics, Relax, Shraddha, Buddhism, Buddhist Teaching, Buddha Teaching, Retreat, Sil Program, Buddhist History, free meditation, breathing meditation, four noble truths, truths, Heal life, develop the mind, Sinhala language school, language, Children program, Sunday dhamma school, kids program, Budhha statue, meditation photos, creative, group meditation, group, Thawathinsa yathra, volunteer, donation, Donations, bed donations, help, good qualities, develop, peace, loving-kindness, tree planting, blood donation, clean up day, Bodhi, Bodhi tree, Sri Lankan history, Mahawansaya, Thripitakaya, Sutta, Sutta Friends, Dhamma Kids, Mahamegha, Forest Monk, Monk, Monks, Buddhist Monks, Duthanga, Dhamma Khaya, Maha Sathi Pattanaya, Ekayana Maggo, Enlightenment, Enlightenment monk, Arahan, Arahath, Nibbhana, NivanaMeditators, organizers, cultivation, cultivation good qualities, walking meditation, great event, most valuable, wonderful, history, sage, Gautama Buddha, Golden Era, Samsara, realize, intelligence, beautiful, parinirvana, pali, Sangha, Significant, Fortunately, protected, learn Dhamma, pure mind, Tathagata, Greatest, Book shop, Buddhist Book shop, marvelous sage, Sutta Pitaka, Pirith, wholesome, Noble friends, generosity, virtue, elements, better life, Activities, gift, merits, offering, Australia, Victoria, Mt Evelyn, believe, happiness, five precepts, Sri Lankan Buddhist Temple in Melbourne, Temple, Sri Lankan Pansala in Melbourne, Sri Lankan Meditation in Melbourne, Sri Lankan Viharaya in Melbourne, meditation and relaxing, Deep Breathing Meditation Exercises, breathing exercises, Meditation: Process and effects, "mindfulness" and "meditation", Guided Meditations, benefits of meditation, mindfulness meditation, MINDFULNESS OF DEATH MEDITATION, Maranānussati bhāvanā, wholesome deeds, the human world and in the heavenly world, merits, Private Buddha, enlightened one, the noble path, wholesome activities, INTRODUCTION, the entire breathing process, “Mindfulness, that there is a body, the extent necessary for higher knowledge and mindfulness, THE OBSERVATION OF THE BODY, BASIC FACTS OF MEDITATION, BREATHING MEDITATION UNDER FOUR ESTABLISHMENTS OF MINDFULNESS, From Breath to Nibbāna, BUDDHANUSSATI MEDITATION, LIVING IN AWARENESS, Sinhalese Language School, Child Sinhala Language School, For Sinhala Language School, Great Language is Sinhala, Best Language in Sinhala, This is a prominent center of worship for Sri Lankan Buddhists in ... The temple conducts Buddhist Study classes on Sundays ... It was his vision that this would not just be a temple for Sri Lankan Buddhists but, be a central point for all who wished to learn more about the teachings of ... Sri Lankan Buddhist Community in Melbourne. WHAT IS BUDDHISM? IS BUDDHISM ONLY A PHILOSOPHY ? Who is the Buddha? Why do Buddhists worship statues of the Buddha ? What is the meaning of the rituals or religious services in temples ? If Buddhism is superior as we say, then why the Buddhist countries are poor? Why do we see many Buddhist sects in the world today ? Do all other religions become false except Buddhism ? Can Buddhism be matched with science ? What does Buddhism say about abortion ? What is the Buddha’s idea about the nature ? I cannot understand the theory (or concept) of soul-less (Anatma vadaya) taught in the Buddhism. What does Buddhism teach us to overcome poverty ? What is the Buddha’s basic teaching ? What is suffering? Isn’t thinking about suffering ominous ? How does the suffering generate ? Isn’t it a happiness that is being created by love and desire ? How do we eliminate the suffering ? Where is the Nibbana ? What is the path to eradicate suffering ? Can this suffering be eradicated in this very own life? Can a person at any age accomplish this target ? Can women realize Nibbana ? Can small children realize this Dhamma and become Arahant ? Can sick and disabled people also realize this Dhamma ? Do the educational qualifications affect on attaining Nibbana ? Is poverty a hindrance to realize Nibbhana? Every religion has its own holy texts, but what is the holy text of Buddhists ? What does mean by the Thripitaka ? How did the Thripitaka survive for this long ? Are not some parts of this Dhamma slipped away, when it was protected and borne for generations, just by memorizing them? Why is the Tripitaka important for us ? What is Dhammapada ? Why some of the discourses in Tripitaka are very long? What is the advantage of becoming a Bhikkhu and Bhikshuni (lady disciples)? Also, what are they doing?What kind of person is suitable to become a Bhikkhu or Bhikshuni ?Is the monkhood compulsory to realize Nibbana?Why Buddhist monks wear red or brown colored robes ?What will happen if everyone join the monkhood ?What is the most esteemed service that a monk can do to the world ?Where do humans and animals come from? Where do they go after their deaths ?How does a dead person transfer from one body to another ?Does a human be reincarnated as a human after his death all the time ?What decides the nature of the next life ?wIf our lives are arranged according to our Karma, can we change it ?Is reincarnation a false aspect ?Are there any scientists who believe in reincarnation ?If everyone is born again, then why the percentage of births is greater than the percentage of deaths ?What is meditation ?Why does the meditation important to us?I have been told that it is dangerous to meditate. Is that true ?How many different types of meditations in Buddhism ?What is Samatha meditation? What is Vidarshana meditation ?Is it necessary to practice both Samatha and Vidarshana meditations ?How should we perform Aanapanasati meditation ?How long should someone meditate to realize Nibbana ?What is Loving-Kindness Meditation (Maitrie Bhavana)? How can it be practiced ?What are the advantages of performing such meditations?Do we need a teacher when practicing meditation ?Can illnesses be cured from meditation ?What is the best time of the day to meditate ?Can we see Buddha by meditating? What is that meditation then ?How can I learn meditation ?Do we need to learn Buddha’s discourses to do meditation ?What are the recommended books to learn about meditation?What did the Supreme Buddha taught us about illusionism and fortune-telling techniques like palmistry ?Why do some people still like to listen to these fortune-telling ?Still, some fortune-telling become true. Are not they ?Are there any methods described in Buddhism to make our fortunes ?Do Buddhists believe in Gods?Is there a Mighty God who created this world?What has Buddha preached us about the beginning of the universe?How does Buddhism describe wisdom?What does kindness mean according to Buddhism?How Category: People & Society > Religion & Belief Platform: Custom Cart Signup for Free. No Credit Card required. |
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