There are 1 active Custom Cart stores in Saltcoats, Scotland, United Kingdom
Baxters Jewellers If you have any enquiries or need to reach us, e-mail to contact us, alternatively, you can telephone me, John Baxter, either on my landline 01294 469241 or my mobile 07434 041744 national daytime rates apply within the UK (Overseas +44 1294 469241 or +44 7434 041744) during office hours (9am - 5:30pm GMT) or write to us at:Baxters Jewellers, PO Box 8631, Saltcoats, Ayrshire, KA21 5YF, Scotland, UK. VAT registered: 293 487 808.We take our customer service very seriously and any complaints will be acknowledged within 5 working days when we will also advise on a likely timescale for resolving the dispute. We will handle all complaints fairly, in confidence, and will keep you informed on the progress. Category: Apparel > Clothing Accessories Platform: Custom Cart Signup for Free. No Credit Card required. |
Suitable for marketing agencies, app developers and new business ideas.
No credit card required.